Sophie’s gifts are precious and their rare combination is powerful. She pulled me up to see the big picture, drew me down and within to see my truth and helped me wrap all that up in precise language that broke through inertia. Along the way she is unapologetically 100% her magnetic, candid self allowing for laugh-out-loud, joyful moments of connection

I completed one of Sophie’s group programs, and I have to say that the value that I received from this program far exceeded my expectations. The program really enabled me to clearly identify my niche, to get a better understanding of who they are, and to really connect with what it is I find so unique and inspiring about them. With the help of this program and the support that I received from Sophie, I was able to really get in touch with my heart centre, to identify what value I can bring to my niche and to determine how I can best serve them in accordance with my highest values and intentions. This has made all the difference for me, not only with respect to my brand, but also how I show up for my clients.

Sophie is an objective, attentive listener who is able to skilfully mirror repeating themes or spoken intentions to help crystallize thoughts and possible future action steps. She is capable of taking in a great deal of information and expertly distilling it to the underlying key messages allowing for meaningful discussion and progress. Sophie has helped me recognize how my personal strengths are valuable in any work environment and now instead of looking at roles that previously I would have said, I “should” be doing, I’m looking at things that are a better fit for my natural skill set.

Having worked with Sophie through my coach training process, I’ve been amazed at how she has helped me deepen my learning, including discovering additional transformative moments. Her direct and down-to-earth style was attractive for me as I evolved as a coach. In addition to coaching, Sophie shines as a brand marketer. Participating in her bi-weekly business development community, not only has she challenged me to stretch to meet goals I’m setting for myself and my business, but has also contributed to our collective learning by bringing ideas to the table that I never would have thought about. Coaching with Sophie has been deeply impactful and beneficial.
I sought out Sophie to work with me during a time of career exploration and later for help in finding my next role. I found Sophie to be an excellent career coach. She has an in-depth understanding of a wide range of facets of career planning. She advised me on tactics for discovering the career paths that were best suited for me, on how to build and maintain my network, and on tapping into hidden job market. At the same time, she kept me focused and motivated when the job search process got discouraging and deflating. I believe that Sophie’s extensive and successful professional experience prior to getting into coaching makes her that much better as a coach; She can refer back to her own real-life experiences as a manager, a subordinate, a jobseeker etc., as opposed to working in hypotheticals. This is invaluable as she knows and understands the realities of various office environments and dynamics.

Sophie was instrumental in guiding me through a career change, working with me to reflect on my successes and strengths and mapping them in a way that they would have the greatest impact in today’s digital employment landscape. She not only coached me through the process of effectively redefining and refreshing my on-line profile and resume, but more impressively, her insight of how to communicate and present my professional skills gave me greater clarity and self-awareness. If you’re looking to make that next career move, Sophie is a natural.

Sophie coached me through life and career transitions. She demonstrated remarkable insight and exercised advanced skills that enabled me to gain clarity and take action on issues that were instrumental to my progress and success. I confidently recommend Sophie for any role that involves coaching or facilitating learning and development.

If you`re struggling to find your way through transition, create presence and attract the right clients you have to work with Sophie! I worked with Sophie and the results were incredible. I walked away from our time together with more clarity and confidence. Working together we named my business, my client and brand. I am well underway to creating a business I am extremely passionate, inspired and motivated to serve in. Her brazen, heart centred approach kept me steadfast and focussed when self-doubt and uncertainty poked in. She knew exactly what to say and how to get me to the other side. Sophie is brilliant at walking alongside you in this journey.

I finished my coach training feeling excited but very unsure of who I was as a coach and thinking “I have no idea how to build a business.” But as a result of taking one of Sophie’s group programs, I have realized that I can do this! Sophie’s bang on intuition helped me to put my passion for coaching into words and I am feeling full of enthusiasm for developing a brand that inspires me and honours who I really am.