Own Your Vibe™ is the essential playbook for focused self-care, career clarity, and communication confidence.
Own Your Vibe™ (OYV) is a mindset framework that fosters self-awareness to navigate career direction, particularly beneficial for those new to planning their careers and experiencing the uncertainties of adulthood. By focusing on body signals, mindset, and emotions, OYV enhances overall self-awareness, alleviating anxieties related to finding your way, career uncertainty, and self-doubt. It empowers individuals to build confidence for networking and interviews while promoting mental and emotional well-being. Through gaining clarity on triggers and behaviours, OYV facilitates reframing thoughts and emotions into productive, intentional actions with a positive mindset.
Watch for the Own Your Vibe book launching later this Fall with group programs starting this summer!
Own Your Vibe uses an evidence-based, scientific-backed VIBE Model, an experiential process structured to enhance awareness and behaviour, rooted in four guiding principles.
Sense It enhances the awareness of your body’s sensations and signals, focusing on the physical cues and messages it conveys.
Feel It, involves identifying and labeling emotions, expanding your emotional intelligence, and offering insights into your desires, triggers, interactions, and decisions.
Think It focuses on developing and refining the mental muscles necessary to pre-empt unwelcome inner chatter, beliefs, and interpretations of situations and experiences.
BE It pulls these insights together to inform your choices and behaviours for future scenarios, creating an ongoing cycle of growth.
The principles are backed by four pillars to make them easy to apply in real-life situations.
- Vision guides your direction, providing clarity in your journey, enabling purposeful decisions, and overcoming obstacles.
- Insights encourages a closer examination of your personality and triggers, deepening your understanding of their influence on your vibe and self-awareness.
- Behaviour aims to help you act with purpose as you engage with your the world.
- Expression, learn to confidently communicate and interact, expressing yourself authentically without holding back as you embrace your vibe.
With the Own Your Vibe experience, you’ll:

Uncover the insights that shape your authentic vibe to gain profound self-understanding. Increase personal growth through heightened awareness of body signals, emotions, and thought patterns. Discover how these insights empower and guide you toward the right career, professional growth, and inner strength transformation.

Gain clarity in your career selection by aligning your vibe with your professional direction. Using OYV’s structured approach, identify career paths that resonate with your interests, strengths, and style, minimizing the risk of feeling unfulfilled while overcoming uncertainties and self-doubt.

Boost your comfort level when networking and interviewing. Integrating the insights gained from the essential tools and the skill-build structure format, enables you to remain focused and articulate when in conversation. This builds communication esteem, empowering you to express your vibe, skills, and interests with clarity and confidence.

Take proactive steps to address the feelings of overwhelm, comparison, and anxiety you may be experiencing. Engage in mindset-shifting exercises to boost positivity, self-belief, and resilience, pre-empting negative inner chatter and interpreting stressful situations positively. OYV consolidates self-awareness insights to guide choices and behaviours for future scenarios, supporting personal and professional growth in the face of overwhelming emotions.
Go further with the VIBE Canvas™
Your personalized roadmap integrating your VIBE Model insights
The VIBE Canvas is a one-page tool that acts as a roadmap that integrates insights from the VIBE Model. It empowers you to confidently embrace your unique VIBE for real-life career conversations.

It’s a visual tool that helps to organize, outline, plan, and capture the essence of your VIBE and your professional direction all on a single page.

Using this tool to support and structure your networking activities, you’ll feel more confident when speaking with others.
Why Now?
In today’s world, you might find it challenging to express yourself professionally. Well, you’re in good company. More than half of young adults like you struggle to talk about their skills and career aspirations. This challenge often arises from not knowing yourself well enough. Imagine trying to figure out the professional world when you’re unsure about your values, triggers, or unique personality traits. It can be confusing and stressful.
With this as the backdrop, four key themes are happening in the current world environment that makes this the perfect timing for Own Your Vibe.
Prioritize Mental Wellness – In the post-pandemic world, rising mental health concerns underscore the importance of self-awareness in facing school-to-work changes and career planning.
Cycle of Fear and Doubt – You’re likely facing immense pressure, from choosing the ‘perfect’ career to the fear of failure, all while dealing with the anxiety of too many options and the weight of external expectations.
Powered by A.I. – A.I. is transforming not just your future work but also the hiring process, as companies utilize AI tools like video interviews and games to assess your skills, behaviour, and potential performance. Know yourself well in preparation for this experience.
Career 2.0 – In today’s fast-paced, tech-driven world, the traditional notion of a one-size-fits-all career path no longer applies, even though most schools still teach it. It now involves using digital tools, working in virtual teams, and communicating by video with global colleagues.